Monday, October 29, 2012

Best gaming gadgets this holiday season

What to get for Christmas?

      There are many great electronics coming out this holiday season. But a few in particular interest me.  First, the Nexus 10, ah the google tablet with a 2500 by 1600 pixel resolution with 300 pixels per inch!  It has a 1.7 ghz dual core arm cortex a-15 cpu.  It has the latest wireless connections and has the latest android 4.2 ,and being a nexus device, will get updates first.  Pricing is 400$ and comes out November 13th.  Now this sounds like the perfect android gaming device on paper, but there is one glaring problem, CONTROLS. Touchscreen shooters and rpg's are painful to play as well as pes 2012, which is the game i play most on my galaxy player now.  So the wikipad would be perfect right? Not necessarily, even though it has great features, you could get a ps vita and a 3ds for that price.  Or even any console or the ipad or nexus 10.  So I bet your'e wondering,  what android device has buttons and has decent processing power and is affordable.  Welcome to the archos gamepad.  It has a 1.5 gigahurts cpu and a quad core gpu, the same as the galaxy s3.  There is an innovative mapping system to get gestures and virtual buttons mapped to the controls.  All for under 200$.  This is cheaper than the 3ds and ps vita but has decent graphics even though the resolution will most likely be 1024 by 600 but i am hoping they bump it up to 1280 by 720, but at 150-200$, you really can't complain too much.  The game pad has a non proprietary micro sd card slot, and most importantly HDMI. Also the ram is not disclosed as well as the release date.  Hdmi is important because that tablet would be PERFECT  for emulators and emulators on the big screen for under 200 dollars is great.  Then again you don't get as high quality games, but they are affordable and i have invested over 100$ in android games.  There is also the chromebook to consider for 250$.  You get immunity to virues, fast startup that stays fast, has hdmi, affordable and usb 3.0.  So this leaves me with a decision, the chromebook and the archos gamepad.   The nexus 10 with a bluetooth keyboard and the archos gamepad.  Or the chromebook and the nexus 10 with a bluetooth controller and keyboard.  What do you think is the best option for mobile gaming?

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Kindle Paperwhite vs Kindle Keyboard 3g

Kindle paperwhite vs kindle keyboard 3g

    With the latest dedicated e-reader coming out by amazon.  The question arises, Kindle paperwhite, or kindle keyboard 3g.  Now you would think it would be a no-brainer to go with the kindle paperwhite because of the new display and it has its own built in light, holds up to 1,100 books, the battery will last 8 weeks if your read 30 minutes a day which is about what I do.   But then I later did some research and realized that the kindle keyboard has twice the amount of storage which means it can hold up to about 3,500 books.   Now i know that chances are you will probably never go up to one thousand.  But the fact that you pay less for double the storage gets you thinking.  On top of that I am someone who likes physical buttons.  I don't know why but i just do.  Also the paper white has no speakers because amazon dropped text to speech as a way for you to step up to the kindle fire and use audible which they own as opposed to using it on your basic e-reader which basically means no more  just giving your child a kindle and not having you to read to them, thus freeing you up to do other things.  This also means you cant listen to a book while doing something else and then coming back to reading it.   Another thing is if you plan to get the 3g model, which i do, you will be surprised to know that on the newer kindles you can only download books and access Wikipedia over 3g.  But the fact that ultimately made me decide on the kindle keyboard was the fact that on the older model you can use Google voice, maps talk, type a blog post or do anything you want over the internet.  So what do you think?  Should I just accept the fact that i will never use more than the space available on the paperwhite 3g, downplay text to speech, and just realize that there is nothing else you really need to do over 3g accept download books, sync your device, and use Wikipedia, also WiFi is almost everywhere now, meaning that may not be that much of an issue.  Post your thoughts in the comments on which one I should get or which kindle your are going to get or already have.